Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Lifestyle Change

Goal: 15 lbs
To date: I have lost 10 lbs
- 4 1/2 inches off my waist
- 3 inches off my hips
- dropped 7% body fat
- added 1.5 inches to my shoulders
- added 1 inch to my bicep
- Dropped 2 pant sizes

Days to go 2 days
Can 5lbs actually be water?

So I weigh in on Thursday morning in Atlanta, GA. 5 lbs will get me in the draw.........will keep you updated.

Ellen you are awsome - thank you for all your support and coaching. I FEEL GREAT!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You ROCK!! Thank you so much for leading by example and what an example you are today!!! You have inspired me to make a life change! I will keep you posted on my blog http://lch22.blogspot.com/
