Monday, August 14, 2006

cosmic connections

I have always been a firm believer in people come into our life for a reason.
Now some are family and they have no choice, but I think they can also can have a reason.

Today I spoke with a lady on the phone from Ohio, she had requested more information from my web site about working from home. I also have had a request from Nigeria ( country which we do not do business in yet). Okay Coralee what is your connection between the 2. Well the lady in Ohio has a connection in Nigeria ( not sure of all the details just yet) and I asked if she may be able to help the person I can not. I still have more to learn from this lady - and why she has come into my life.

My friend Mike, while riding up a chair lift skiing shared his reasons for leaving teaching. He told me he was no longer growing and challenging himself, even though he loved teaching. He is a very accomplished skier and hung up his skies for a snowboard, simply for the challenge. I think many of us get to comfortable in just being we forget to live life to its fullest. Cheers to always challenging and facing fears.

My cousin we have not seen each other for years due to the distance we live from each other. She came back into my life when I started my blog, still think we have something else we are suppose to do, just have not figured it out.

My favorite person with relativitis (inside family ailment) He is a wealth of knowledge, I swear one of these days my thumb will turn green. I admire his love of knowledge, knowing everything about what he is doing and sharing it with others who do not have time to research. His passion for family connection and tracking each and every person with a connection. (even with relativitis) He has seemed to be in my corner and makes me believe I can do anything I put my mind to. I also have to give honorable mention to N, you know who you are. my chess partner of past, the love of beer and wine. Way over my head with politics. I am happy that he stops in to check on me and that he has a new friend :-) Still have lots to learn about Blogging from you. South Carolina have not figured out our connection yet.

My mom - more later she deserves her own post.

Every day someone new comes into my life, through volunteering & business. Also with reconnecting with family and old friends. I choose to surround myself with moving forward, think outside the box, get it done kind of people. Every day I make it the best day possible for me, my family, my friends, my business partners, the environment, and try to make my mark.

My Personal Soap Box!


  1. I love that you understand the value of meeting people. Most take it for granted. I too believe there is always a connection and a reason that people come into our lives.

    Life is too short and every person we come into contact with adds to our colorful quilts we are weaving.

    You have very good energy, and I'm very happy to have "met" you :)

    Also, I'd be glad to answer any questions about blogging that you might have too. Others helped me freely and I like to pass things on :)

    Be well.


  2. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I still snowboard too, but I've found something to challenge me in the ski in going off a jump, turning sideways, landing on the rail, and 'greasing it' (that's what the kids say) to the end....scares the bloody hell out of me....but I love the rush! The best part...I get paid to ski now since I coach the Freestyle Ski Team here in the city. cheers

