Sunday, September 10, 2006

working from home

Getting caught up on life after vacation.

I had many reasons for wanting to work from home; kids, extra money, flexibility and something I could take with me if we moved again.

Well after 11 years of working for the same company, my husband got a call on vacation stating the division he worked for no longer existed and he was out of a job. 1 day notice while on holiday! My newest reason not to work for someone else and be the master of my domain.

For all of you wondering what now. C has interviews set up next week, and I will double my efforts to get us out of the oil field. Will keep you posted.


  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Wow, that is a rough thing to learn while on vacation. Give C. our best and tell him good luck in the interviews. I know you do not want to hear this but there is lots of work north of you.

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Give Flug my regards, 3 years ago i was laid off the day before Xmas holidays, so i can relate. I know Curty will do well in the interviews. Glad you enjoyed your holiday despite the untimely news. MF

  3. Anonymous11:30 PM

    How awful to get that message while on vacation!!!

    I'm with you on the whole "master of my domain".

    Sending postive energy your way... :)
