Wednesday, August 09, 2006

commitment to myself

I am taking the Vitality For Life 90 day challenge to change my lifestyle habits. My daughter is 5 and this is no longer baby weight. I know I feel better when I am exercising, it just takes the commitment to spend the time.

My commitment to me:
Exercise 4 -5 days per week.
Drink more Water
Take my Vitamins every day
NO MORE COOKIES........unless I am celebrating.
Eat more Salad
I will loose 15 lbs and keep it off, if it kills me. ( already shopping for a little black dress)
I will read a book per month and half of them will not be for business
I will commit 110% to my business goals
I will always put my family first, it will just mean getting up early and staying up late.

My health is important now, and will determine how well I will feel in years to come. I have created a support team of others who will keep me accountable and we will cheer each other on. Anyone who would like to come along for the journey is welcome, you just need to email me.

Off to bed and one more glass of water ( Hot ) to end the day


  1. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I have that hot water problem too. But seriously, if you want to read a book a month start with anything from D*n Brown. You will be reading a book a weekend. Start with Angle$ and Dem@n$ (can't google that). I just don't want any trolls starting to leave comments just because of the reference to that author.

  2. Hooray again for you!!! I totally need to be doing something like that :)!
